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Are you hiring? We have clients coming to Canada soon with skills, education and experience.
The Integrating Newcomers (IN) program is dedicated to solving the skilled workforce shortage challenges of Canada’s construction industry. Funded by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada, the initiative provides free pre-arrival services to highly skilled immigrants committed to starting or continuing careers in the construction industry.
The program builds connections between employers, skilled workers, and professional associations to make the construction industry stronger. From engineering, design, estimation, project management and architecture to procurement, technology, operations, support services and the skilled trades. The scope of services is designed to build the best outcome for the construction industry, economy and community.
Employer Services
IN also provides first access to highly skilled immigrants committed to careers in the construction industry. Best of all, the service is completely FREE. Employer supports include access to:
- Pre-screened, job-ready skilled workers before they arrive in Canada;
- Prepared professionals, briefed on business culture and the local construction industry;
- Experts with international experience in a range of projects, professions, and markets;
- A flexible workforce committed to relocating for the best opportunities.
Get in touch
IN is coordinated by Employment Liaison Specialists focused on building relationships with employers, professional associations, and settlement agencies to provide a tailored personalized service. This free service is offered across Canada.
Email newcomers@bccassn.com to get connected.

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