
August 2013 marks the launch of a fully integrated online bonding protocol using industry-leading technology, and with it the completion of Canada’s most advanced online bidding solution: the BC Construction Association’s BidCentral.

With millions of project dollars being managed through BidCentral, meeting the highest standards of the Surety Association of Canada, as well as the business needs of owners and contractors, is vital.

In consideration of meeting these highest standards the law firm of Jenkins Marzban Logan LLP has reviewed the legal requirements of a valid and enforceable bid bond in an electronic transaction and prepared the attached paper which concludes that “there should be no legal impediment to the validity and enforceability of electronic bid bonds in British Columbia or any other jurisdiction with similar electronic transactions legislation and common law principles.”

FULL PAPER: 'Signed, Sealed, Delivered'

Should you have questions, please contact us per the information below or find us online at www.bidcentral.ca.

Jonathan Smallwood, BidCentral Manager of Business Development
Telephone: 778-773-9146.
Email: jsmallwood@bccassn.com

BidCentral Online Bidding for Subcontractors (BOBS)
Warren Perks BOBS Administrator VP of Industry Practices, British Columbia Construction Association (BCCA)
Telephone: 250-475-1077.
Email: warrenp@bccassn.com

This paper was prepared by Jenkins Marzban Logan LLP and jointly published in August 2013 with the BC Construction Association.