If you're a construction tradeswoman in BC, we want to hear from you.
Why? Because no one knows better than you do what it’s like out there. And your honest feedback will make all the difference as we work to ensure everyone is treated equally on the job site.
Our immediate goal is to improve the retention rates of BC’s tradeswomen by encouraging employers to recognize that a diverse workplace improves site safety, productivity, and business success.
To participate, just complete the short registration form. We plan to ask your opinion (virtually) about 10 times over the course of the next 12 months – after you’ve participated at least five times, we’ll thank you with a reward of $100.
Please join our virtual feedback team today and help shape a more inclusive future for BC’s construction industry. Note that we are only able to reward 200 tradeswomen, so don’t delay, join today!
Join our virtual feedback team
Virtual Feedback Group Terms:
BCCA will not share your name and contact information and all survey results will be kept strictly anonymous. BCCA may use the demographic information you provide to segment, aggregate and report findings internally, and in some cases promote these findings publicly. If you have any questions please contact us at: theteam@bccassn.com
By signing up you agree to our Privacy Policy