BC HealthGuide Handbook

The BC HealthGuide Handbook has comprehensive information on how to recognize and manage common health concerns. Learn about how to prevent illness, home treatment options, and when you should see a health professional.

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BC Medical Services Plan

The Government of British Columbia has a health insurance plan called the Medical Services Plan (MSP). MSP pays for most health costs—for example, doctors, most medical tests, and treatments.

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HealthLink BC

The 8-1-1 free-of-charge provincial health information and advice phone line allows you to speak with a health services representative who can help you find health information and services; or connect you directly with a registered nurse, a registered dietitian or a pharmacist.

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Intercultural Online Health Network

The interCultural Online health Network (iCON) is a community-driven health promotion initiative that helps optimize chronic disease prevention and management for multicultural communities, patients and caregivers across BC.

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RésoSanté Colombie-Britannique

Réseau provincial de santé en français, constitué de professionnels de la santé parlant français.

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Umbrella Multicultural Health Cooperative

Umbrella Multicultural Health Cooperative is a member driven not for profit health services organization. Members are people who face barriers to accessing health care due to their language and culture.

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