Let’s work together. Procuring construction services in the public sector is a highly specialized practice requiring unique experience, knowledge, and skill. With contractors in demand, resources at a premium, and timelines tight, now more than ever procurement professionals hold the master key to successful project delivery.
NECI, one of the leading procurement experts and training organizations in BC’s industrial, commercial, and institutional construction industry, has developed the Infrastructure Masterclass curriculum in collaboration with BCCA and industry stakeholders to specifically to assist public owners in ensuring successful outcomes throughout their tendering processes.
This one-day, highly focused workshop reviews foundational best practises in procurement and highlights issues relevant to today’s unique construction market challenges. Some workshop feedback includes:
100% of workshop participants who completed the evalution survey stated the workshop was very relevant to their job.
- Foundations of competitive contracting law in Canada
- Unique public sector obligations
- Construction delivery options
- Leveraging market intelligence
- Role of bonding and sureties
- Procurement Methods
- Evaluation strategies
- Industry templates and resource
- Selecting Design Professionals
Learning Objectives
- Review public sector procurement obligations and processes
- Examine BC Government’s Capital Asset Management Framework as a best practise (and as required)
- Assess the risks and benefits of construction project delivery methods
- Explore collaborative strategies to enhance project success
- Practice identifying the most appropriate procurement process and project delivery method for typical public sector construction scenarios
- For a real project, design a procurement process including the project delivery method
This workshop provides a uniquely tangible return on training dollars, measured by reduced risk of litigation and scope creep, achieved timelines, and more in-budget bids.
Ultimately, public owners whose contract opportunities are distinguished by professional well-structured procurement processes and project outcomes will achieve a reputation as owners of choice, attracting the most bids and the best contractors to their infrastructure projects. This directly translates to demonstrable value for money, and aligns with public sector obligations for fair, open and transparent procurement practices.
Who should attend?
The Public Owner Infrastructure Masterclass is for public sector employees at the local, regional, and provincial level who play a direct or indirect role in managing the procurement process for construction projects, regardless of experience level.
Attendees are eligible for professional development credits through the Canadian Construction Association's Gold Seal Certification and the Supply Chain Management Association. Customized, project-specific course content can be developed for large groups from a single public employer.
If you are a contractor or non-public sector company interested in the Infrastructure Masterclass, please contact us at theteam@bccassn.com. Separate sessions may be scheduled for contractors, based on demand.
The workshop will be offered at locations across BC through BC’s Regional Construction Associations, with first sessions in October 2017. See the table below for more details.
A Summary Guide for BC Construction Standards & Guidelines
About the Instructor
National Education Consulting Inc. (NECI) is widely recognized as an industry leader in providing high quality, directly relevant and practical procurement and contract management training since 1991. With a long-established specialization in construction procurement and contract management education, NECI has worked with hundreds of public owners at all levels of government to specifically address risk areas, process considerations and mitigation strategies relevant to infrastructure projects. NECI’s instructor team comes from a wide variety of backgrounds, with each individual recognized as a leader in the procurement and contract management field.
“Excellent facilitator and very credible.” – City of Calgary
If you are interested in attending an Infrastructure Masterclass, please contact your nearest Regional Construction Association.
Become an owner of choice.
Download a printable PDF version.

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